Columbus Café: Study Time in Paris

It’s exam season for many Parisian students, which means it’s time to hit the bibliotheque, take the cap off the highlighter and crack open that unusually large text book. Well, maybe if it was a couple of years ago the bibliotheques would be swarming with students but we’re in the age of Powerbook laptops, and Wi-Fi internet access. Columbus Café has enough seats to huddle together for a group study session and enough chocolat chauds or jus d’oranges to keep you energized.
Usually I hunker down at the Rue Vieille du Temple location but the other day I stumbled into the Soufflot Columbus Café near the Sorbonne. They all pretty much look the same: mango colored walls and brown café tables. Nothing too special about the ambience, except for the study support from the laptop lovers beside you. There is no problem logging on and you don’t even need to create a username. Enough of trying to tag onto your fellow neighbor’s wi-fi connection, pack up your laptop and take a seat.
Columbus Café