Green Teen Travel
6 Ways To Travel More Susta...
In good news, sustainable travel is forecasted to be on the up in 2019. So, while we all want to be travelling smarter, fairer and more aware, just how do we go about it? We asked the eco tourism experts for their tips on how we can all be travelling... -
Green Teen Travel
5 architectural heritage si...
As flooding and erosion become increasingly common in coastal areas, some of architecture’s most beloved sites are in danger Last week, NOAA released its annual Arctic report, which revealed that rapid warming over the past three decades has led to...
Green Teen Travel
6 Ways To Travel More Sustainably in 2019
In good news, sustainable travel is forecasted to be on the up in 2019. So, while we all want to be travelling smarter, fairer and more aware, just how do we go about it? We asked the eco tourism experts for their tips on how w...

PLAYINTRAFFIC is a travel website by teens for teens that I dreamed up after a gazillion people asked me where to go when visiting New York City, my hometown. I realized that when I went traveling there were no fun guides to teenagers. There were only kiddy guides that gave directions to the local zoo. I wondered: Where are the hot spots? Then, I thought that if I need to know where other teens could be found, probably every other teenager was wondering the same thing.
So, wonder no more!
With reviews written by teenagers about New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris and Washington DC, you can really get the inside scoop that you can’t get from adult and kiddy guides. Reviews are rated from one to five green lights..and you can just click to rate the reviews.
Want to write for playintraffic? Drop me a message through this form, and let’s see if you are ready to become a reviewer…or maybe even an editor!
And no matter where you are, take a look at the HOT LIST, with monthly ideas on fun things to get and my
Travel Report, which I update with travel tips for teens that you might find helpful no matter where you go.
Have fun, go global and
Founder and Publisher, Hadley Nagel